Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Master of the Coffee Interview - Part 5

Rule #5 - Preparation for the person on the other side of the Starbucks Table - If you are the busy professional with little time for small talk and have people frequently ask you for coffee interviews, you can probably use a few tips too. Even if you enjoy helping others, these sessions can sometimes feel burdensome or fruitless. Increase their chances for success by being selective and asking for a little advance work. Before committing to coffee, look for a commonality (friend, alma mater, etc)and consider whether or not you have meaningful insights to offer, then pass the ball back with the question of how the asker thinks you can specifically help them. Also ask them to specify the topics they want to explore. Also be prepared for the meeting, request a resume of the asker and ask them to specify their goals. You can often weed through the small talk questions and get right to the heart of the matter with a little preparation. Additionally, you don't always have to do these in person. Often a 15 minute phone call or skype session may be a way to save on your time but still give the asker the information requested. Further, you could designate one day a month for coffee meetings - first Wednesday of each month from 9 am to 11 am and when that slot is full you pass future requests to the next month.

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