Friday, April 11, 2014

Getting LinkedIn Right

If you are a professional, get signed up with LinkedIn. Recruiters are much more likely to give you an initial call ball if they can look you up and verify some of your work history and see what others may be saying about you. LinkedIn takes time to build so its important to start this process sooner rather than later. Here are a few tips to making it work for you: 1) Use a great photo. It should be less than five years old from the shoulders up, dressed professionally, and SMILING! Do not use a selfie or personal photo. It seems unprofessional and like you are more into socializing than business. 2) List every position. A profile that lists more than one job will get you looked at more closely and it will show your skill set. Who knows? Your prior work may have some interesting experience to a prospective employer. Plus LinkedIn can be a great supplement to your 1-2 page resume where you are somewhat constrained on space. 3) Upload Projects. Share your recent presentations on poignant topics and let your work do the advertising for you! 4) Seek "Endorsements". You can ask clients or bosses to highlight specific skills that you want noticed and importantly, that you would like to continue doing. For example, if you are a jack of all trades at your job but really want to focus on HR, then have your boss highlight how you helped successfully revise the employee handbook or dealt with co-worker conflict.

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