Friday, May 9, 2014

Interview Mistakes to Avoid (Part II)

You are about to interview for your dream job! Don't blow it! 1. Qualify Nothing. A lot of people have negative speech habits like kinda, actually, literally, well... (i.e. I am kinda thinking about moving to the area). These types of qualifiers serve as a hedge and make it seem like you are not confident about yourself or the position. Disclaimers are also a distraction for an interviewer. (i.e. Well, I was considering following up.) These statements undermine your credibility. Check your speech "tics" before an interview. Have friend listen to you and note the "tics" or record yourself on a conversation with a friend to find these speech patterns - because literally a speech tic could literally kill any chances you have of getting the job, literally. 2. Stay on Topic. Talk only about things that directly correlate with your ability to do the job; your knowledge, skills, and abilities. For legal reasons, interviewers are trained to stay away from trouble spots but interviewees often open up too much when interviewing. For example, you may casually mention a family problem or talk about your favorite sports team. You never know when a interviewer may be a die hard fan of a rival sports team. Don't ever let extraneous things impede your chances to get the job - when really your ability is all that matters. 3. Pare Down. Many people bring extraneous things to an interview. They really serve as a distraction to you and others. Consider leaving the cell phone in the car. Bring a small purse, if any, so that your hands are always free to shake hands without too much of a juggling act. Leave drinks, magazines, etc. at home too. Everything you bring in is subject to judgment by the interviewer so keep it to minimum and most importantly keep the focus on you and your ability to do a great job!

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