Monday, May 5, 2014

Thoughts on Good Leadership (Part II)

What is the best way to step up in a leadership position when there is no clear leader? When you are in a group where there is no clear leader, the easiest way to help steer the group is to say "I am happy to ensure that everything goes smoothly. I want everyone here to have what they need to make things happen. That tone says I am here to serve and give and that will allow you to naturally find yourself in a leadership position. An effective leader cares most about everyone doing their best to get the job done well, even if that means taking a supporting role. Once you're in command, how to gain trust of team members? Give them a lot of independence but check in on each person periodically, in other words, let people succeed and let them fail while providing training and guidance. When a new project needs to be launched put someone in charge of it. If the project succeeds let the person know what a great job they did and if it fails don't get mad, work with them to rectify it. From Simon Sinek, author of Leaders Eat Last.

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