Wednesday, March 2, 2016

What do "good manners" really mean and how do we practice them?

At Manners Pro, we like to say that manners are the nice way of doing things. Good manners help others feel more comfortable and know what to expect next. To that end, in the business world, home world or school world, how can we best practice good manners in a proactive way? It is not just opening doors for others; it is a mindset about how we approach relationships that will really help us practice good manners. Consider the following: 1. Understand the power of your words. How different could our relationships look if we committed to saying positive things like “thank you” and “great job” more often? I submit those relationships would be much more positive. Our words carry more weight than we know. Our words can speak positivity into the people around us if we’re willing to run them through a filter of consideration for others first - which is the very definition of having good manners. This doesn’t mean that we have to sugarcoat everything or shy away from the truth. It simply means we should be slow to critique and quick to compliment and encourage others. 2. Commit to helping others succeed. If you are successful in life, then good for you. But if those around you are successful, that will define the legacy you leave and how others think of you. Our friends, coworkers, spouses and kids won’t remember us for what we accomplish, but instead for what we helped them to accomplish and how we encouraged them on along the way. If you are sincerely committed to helping others around you reach their goals, you will be the person people regard as having great matters and the most consideration for others.

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