Saturday, February 8, 2014

Consider Etiquette Differences While Abroad

When we travel abroad for pleasure or business, we must understand that the cultures and etiquette norms are very different than the U.S. Etiquette we consider proper in the United States may cause you to lose the deal or offend others when travelling abroad. For example, if you are thinking of giving a clock as a gift in Hong Kong, you better not as clocks are associated with death or funerals! Are you going to Japan? If you receive a gift in Japan, don't open it upon receiving it, that would be impolite. However, in Austria, do open your gift immediately; otherwise you will be seen as being rude. What might be perfectly acceptable in one country, might be totally taboo in another. In Japan it's not only acceptable to slurp the noodles in your soup, but it's considered good table manners to do so. On the other hand, if you're enjoying a nice bowl of soup in England, slurping is considered rude and would seem rather uncouth! There are some good sites to consider before travelling. Some of these tips come from Another great book I would recommend is Kiss, Bow of Shake Hands? by Terri Morrison. You can find it at . This book an invaluable to ensuring you do not miss the particular nuances of the country you are visiting. The other important point to remember is the U.S. way is not the "right" way when you are abraod. There is no moral obligation to slurp or not slurp. I submit when in Rome, do as the Romans. Do not think the U.S. has a superior way of doing things. You will miss the beauty of experiencing differet cultures and celebrating our world's variety.

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